Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I solemnly swear I will do this blogging thing properly this time.

Hello. It's been awhile since you and I have spoken. Or, more accurately, it's been awhile since I've written a post for you to read. The last time we spoke I was looking for a new job because I was working nights and that cut into my writing time.

Well... I'm still working nights, my writing time is still at a minimum and I have literally taken time off just to get a little writing done. Thankfully I have an understanding boss that supports me. I'm trying to stay with the same company and switch to day shift but apparently it's very difficult to find a trustworthy person that is willing and able to work night shift in a convenience store in a neighborhood that isn't the greatest. I mean it's not really a bad neighborhood but we get our share of freaks and weirdos. I'd elaborate but you'll get to meet them soon enough in upcoming works.

So what's going on with me right now? Well a lot and nothing all at the same time.

I have edited my novel... again. I'm learning that editing a book is harder than actually writing the book. I'm acquiring more rejections from query letters (thinking about sending flowers or something to the lucky agent that becomes my 100th rejection), and I have registered to attend the annual Writer's Digest Conference most importantly I am registered to attend a Pitch Slam at the same event. 

Exciting right? Well the conference isn't for about another five months. So there is plenty of time for the excitement to build and my nerves to get the better of me.

See I have a secret. I am a terminal introvert and painfully shy. I don't enjoy talking to people I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of meeting new people, and large crowds have given me panic attacks in the past. 

Now for the contradictory part. I excel in public speaking, I've worked in customer service for years and my customers usually love me and my outgoing personality. Kind of funny huh? 

So how do I have excellent customer service skills, give engaging lectures, and hide my painful social awkwardness? Well first and foremost I drive my wife nuts when the nerves start making me antsy. I love my wife because she puts up with me and my obnoxious anxiousness among other reasons. Then I usually pretend that I am speaking to the world's worst dopplegangers.

What do I mean by that? Well usually when I'm speaking to group or meeting someone new on a one on one basis I imagine that I'm basically just talking to myself. I excel at talking to myself. The thing is, nobody in the group looks like me, they don't sound like me, and they don't think like me. So they aren't very good dopplegangers. 

Why does this tactic work for me? Well it's a simple self delusion really. You see, I always want what is best for me. So by pretending that the new person, or the group, are other versions of me then I'm able to assume that they also want what is best for me. That helps calm my nerves because I'm not going to ridicule myself and if I do run into someone that doesn't like me, does ridicule me, or is simply a jerk to me... well I never said that I can't be an asshole.

Well this is getting long so time to wrap it up. I am going to make a promise to you my dear reader. I promise that for the next five months I am going to make at least one blog post a week. It may not always be on the same day, and it may not always be interesting, but I'm going to do it. 

I make this promise because I know you want to read more about me, I know I need to get better at blogging and I need to get better with social media. 

Why do I need to do this? Well, if all goes well, I will have an agent after the conference. Once I get the agent hopefully I will get a book deal, once I get the book deal I will have fans. I'm hoping to fans prior to selling the book, but I will definitely have them after. This means I need to be better at interacting with the public and my fans. I have to be willing to step outside of myself and interact with people I don't know. 

So that is my promise. We'll get cozy, get to know each other, and hopefully soon will be enjoying exciting news together. 

I'll be seeing you, and you'll be seeing more of me. 

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