Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Been Awhile

So why has it been so long since I've blogged. The short answer is that I'm lazy, sorry. The long answer is that while I am lazy I've also been busy and have had a bit of bad luck. I injured my right wrist at work and that makes it very difficult to type much. 

That being said I am nothing if not a dedicated writer and so I have begun book two of the "Ragged Edge" series. This one is titled "Swamped" and you lucky people get an unedited, sneak peak at the first paragraph or so. Enjoy.

It's amazing how much life can change after you die. I should know. I died a year ago, I've been back for four months. My name is Sean Gryphon, I am the Phoenix. Unfortunately when the goddess Danu sent me back, she didn't give me an instruction manual. So in four months I have managed to catch quite a few things on fire, and watch my body waste away. It's only been a few months but my life has crashed around me. The woman I love found another man while I was dead. I can't blame her though, Ilsy is a wonderful woman, I rushed back to her when I rose from the ashes of my former body. It had been too long, I kept myself hidden from her, watched her and her new man, left her a note, and took back my car. I don't know why she took my car, it's mine, I only had to pay for it with my heart.
  There you go first unedited sneak peak. If you want the stats I am about 13,000 words into it. That's it I'm saying no more.

And on the agent front I'm still unsigned. That's okay though, I'm still plugging away.

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