I've gotten a bit use to accepting rejections letters and have also started sending thank you letters and asking what did or didn't work for the agents as far as my query letter went. I received one today where they actually complemented me on my project by saying it sounded "interesting" then turned me down because she felt my book wasn't right for her current lists. So I sent out my "Thank you/Please help me" letter and recieved a prompt response telling me that the query letter was fine she just doesn't handle the type of book I was proposing. Meh. Win some and lose some I guess. At the same time I'm kinda not wanting it to get accepted since I've gone to the trouble of sending my query to a professional for editing. I'd had to have spent that money and get my novel accepted before I see what I paid for. So back to waiting.
Also, don't forget to vote in the current poll. You just may get to see an excerpt from my novel.
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