What was that last one? Yeah about that... so I have an official website now at DustynMcCormick.com. I suppose it'll do much better if I actually advertise it. Oops.
So yeah... basically this blog is going to be allow to waste away while the other flourishes... why? Well if you follow this, then you know... I can barely keep up with one let alone two. So what will you find on the website?
You'll find news, I've been trying to keep everyone abreast of my wife's breast cancer news, my publishing news (nothing new on that front though) and other general thoughts that float through my grey matter on a semi-irregular basis.
Pictures... yes what does your soon to be favorite author look like, you'll find out here. (I'm sorry)
Reviews... or right now review anyway.
Also images... or an image anyway... created by one of my favorite artists Allen Childers.
So hop on over, bookmark it, tell your friends, friends of friends, that weird Uncle that everyone tries to stay away from at gatherings... on second thought never mind about the Uncle. Still, spread the news. Comment, interact with me, give me a reason to open a forum or shun the internet forever... whichever floats your boat.