Where have I been? I know I promised to try and update weekly. I'm sorry. I'm horrible at this blogging thing... honestly I'm horrible at social media period. Don't believe me? Check out my Twitter or Facebook pages... my Tumbler is a joke.
I know I need to get better and I will... it's just that I don't have much of anything to say... funny isn't it? I can weave a story and write a novel... update people on my life... meh... no news is good news I guess.
So what's going on with me? Well let's see.
1. Through an odd set of circumstances I have a chance at getting one of my short stories translated and published by the University of Moscow.
How did that come about?
Well it all started with meeting a Russian scholar that was visiting here, we connected talking about literature, she read my writing, loved this particular story, shared it with her Grandfather who insists I'm not an American and also says I don't write for a typical American audience (I felt complimented but that's also a downside since I am American and that is my audience). Anyway what with one thing and another my story is apparently floating around the faculty of the University and it may get published by them... So that's pretty cool.
2. I got fired from my paying job. Now I'll be honest, I didn't love my job, only a few people there managed to not irritate me on a daily basis but I did enjoy the paycheck and the insurance. I won't bother you with the details but the firing came about due to an unfortunate set of circumstances that resulted in me having a major case of cranial rectal inversion and well... it was out of my managers hands and I got shit canned. I did screw up, pretty majorly really, but it still rather sucks. So that's not cool.
If you have a job available let me know.
3. I'm having surgery soon. I mean really soon like on June 2nd soon... it's now June 1st.
What am I having done you ask? I'm having a deviated septum fixed, my sinus cavity cleaned out, and my tonsils and adnoids removed. I've been assured that the healing process is going to suck and that I'm probably going to lose 10 pounds.
So pain isn't cool but I'm looking forward to dropping 10 pounds... if I could drop another 50 or so after that I'd be back my high school weight which would make me one sexy S.O.B.
4. Trip to New York is up in the air now. I haven't cancelled it yet but if I don't find a job relatively soon I'm going to have to cancel it and that would completely suck ass.
So as you can see I have been busy and it's been ups and downs like a normal life.
Luckily I'm like I cat. I don't cough up hairballs but I do usually land on my feet. If I land on my face I'm pretty good at getting up and acting like I meant to eat gravel.
So enjoy my friends. I may or may not go into radio silence during my recover but it doesn't matter at this point. You know as well I do that I'll update when I remember.